Pet Peeves of Certain Site Designs
I was browsing through certain fansites, shrines, and personal web blogs, there were some things that annoyed me. Sure, there are certain parts of a personal site that are charming (eg. non-seemless but looping backgrounds and seizure-inducing gifs) however, some of them just get on my nerves.
White Text on Light Background
Or its sister, Black text on dark background. Why do people actually do this? It makes me wonder if you actually want me to read it since the only way for me to view the text is to either select it, or go straight to inspect element and change the CSS. I have actually seen the dreaded "black text on dark background" on a fanfic archive and it made me want to pull all my hair out.
Really Small Text
I have seen this a lot on aesthetic or image based sites and tumblrs, and thats fine and all, but it irritates me a lot when an entire essay is size a 2px and I have to zoom in at 300%. Again, do you actually want me to read this stuff?
This is not particularly the webmaster's fault, but Photobucket's fault. You see, just two years ago, Photobucket changed their hosting service so that you cannot host your images on your outside their webstie unless you pay $400. Because of this, a heck ton of images that were hosted on forums and small sites were unviewable and were instead replaced with an ugly pic saying "Please update your account to enable third party hosting." Tons of image heavy site designs were ruined. However, just last year, Photobucket changed its policy so that instead of having their ugly pic to replace the image, they would add a so-called discreet watermark on their images, so you see a "Proudly hosted on Photobucket" watermark on every image hosted there. I guess that did solve the problem of being able to see the images hosted on Photobucket, however, image heavy site designs that relied on Photobucket are still ruined.